Managing and Monitoring Orders on TakeOutPH Hubs

Welcome to TakeOutPH Hubs! Where you'll be able to track orders, sales and manage stores under your TakeOutPH franchise and their products.

Monitoring Orders

In the first video, you'll be shown the different features you can use to monitor your orders:

Total orders for today
Search and filter options to see orders in a specific timeframe
Order Statuses
Order Monitoring and Management data table

Managing Orders

In this video, you'll be shown the different actions you can select for an order depending on its status. The following are the different actions and what they do when you click on them after clicking the actions button:

More details - Shows the amount breakdown of the order on how it computed the order total, the items the customer has ordered, customer information and order history log, a list of actions implemented on the order by the customer service representative and delivery rider.

Assign/Reassign rider - Assigns a delivery rider to that order.

Reassign CSR - Let's the currently assigned Customer Service Representative (CSR) reassign the order to another CSR.

Delivery Fee - Show a form that lets you edit the delivery fee for that order to recompute the total amount to be paid by the customer for that order.

Apply Discounts - Apply a discount to the order if it achieves a certain condition. (eg. Ordered from a specific restaurant, the customer pays via Credit/Debit card or through PayPal)

Point Discounts - If the customer has TakeOutPH Reward Points, and chooses to use their points, a discount can be implemented through this action.

Take this order - Let the currently logged in CSR or Hub Manager assign the order to themself to manage the order.

Confirm Payment - Edit the customer's payment details to recompute the order total amount or confirm a new order's payment has been received to begin processing.

Change Order status - Let's the CSR or Hub Manager change the status of an order.

Print Order - Print the order slip of the current order. A printer connected to the CSR/Hub Manager's computer is required or a wireless printer connected to the same network.

Directions - Opens a new tab in your browser to show the directions to the customer's address in Google Maps.

Revive Order - Allows a currently rejected/cancelled order to revert back to a new order.

Reject Order - Rejects/cancels the order.

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